In the several recent centuries, maggots have been used to treating infected and necrotic wounds. After using frequently of maggot debridement therapy especially in the half first of 20th century, the attention to this method of debridement has dramatically declined. The reason of this disinclination was introducing antibiotics. However, due to several reports of antibiotic resistance emergence maggot debridement therapy has gained popularity again. Since antibiotic resistance maggots are under the auspices of physicians used in humans treat chronic ulcers which is not responding to common treatments. Studies shows that maggots not also are practically debriding ulcers but also disinfect wounds and effectively helping granulation tissue formation. Especially maggots have greater disinfection effect on wounds colonized by gram positive bacteria than gram negative bacteria. In comparison with helpful effects, their adverse effects are negligible. Yuck factor which is meaning difficulties in obtaining patient permission for maggot debridement therapy is one of the problems in maggot therapy debridement. In some cases, just a slight pain and bleeding in treating area with maggots is reported. Nowadays, for eliminating side effects of maggot debridement therapy biobags which maggot secretions can go cross through it and absorbing exudation while allowing oxygen to reach the maggots.