Hypertension is asymptomatic hence, remains undiagnosed and not controlled if diagnosed, making it a silent killer. Hypertension has turned out to be a major health problem worldwide. It has been associated with increased risk of coronary artery disease and is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. To study the prevalence of hypertension and factors affecting medication adherence in rural teaching hospital in Kerala. The study designed as a prospective observational study. A specially designed data entry form was used to enter all patient data like Name, Age, Sex, Inpatient number, past medical & medication history, food habits, lab values & current treatment. Medication adherence of patient was checked using MORISKY 8- Item Medication Adherence Scale (MMS-8). Among patient-related barriers, forgetfulness was reported by 57.27% of patients followed by 27.27% of patients with high cost of medication. There is clear need to educate patients about the importance of medication adherence and its impact on improving clinical outcome..