Tobacco and alcohol use are two hazardous behaviours that commonly occur throughout adolescence in today's society. These are the leading causes of death that could have been avoided. Tobacco kills about 6 million people each year. The primary goal of this research is to determine the psychological suffering related with cigarette and alcohol use. Study Design: Cross Sectional Questionnaire based study Study Site: Department of general medicine and general surgery in patients at govt hospital, dharmapuri. Study Duration: 6 Months, Study Size: A total 200 in patients Study criteria:- Inclusion criteria: Patients who are alcoholic and use tobacco admitted in General surgery, General Medicine ward during study period. This study is carried out after obtaining the permission of institutional review board, Padmavathi College of Pharmacy, Dharmapuri, India. All patients having psychological distress patients admitted in the general medicine inpatient ward, general medicine of Govt. Hospital, Dharmapuri are included in the study. The patients who co-operated were interviewed and information was filled in proforma. Patient’s demographics, complaints, past medical and medication history, personal habits, socio economic status and occupation, diagnosis, drug chart were documented by taking verbal consent from patient or patient care taker. The combination of being a high-risk consumer of alcohol, having high psychological distress, and being a current smoker are associated with increased presentations to emergency departments, independent of age and sex. Now a days usage of alcohol and tobacco has been drastically increased it leads to several psychological distress it has been controlled by providing counselling to the dependent patients or by decreasing the manufacturing of addictive’s this may lead to decrease in consumption and intake vice versa increase in patient health related quality of life. So, co-ordination of clinical pharmacist along with physicians as a member of health care team is necessary to improve the psychology of patients in eradicating the tobacco and alcohol consumption habits