PCOD which is commonly known as Stein Leventhal Syndrome is a gynaecological, endocrine disorder that occurs at any reproductive age by alteration in level of hormones. It is affecting approximately 5%-10% of all females and 4-6% of adolescent girls and young women worldwide. The abnormal level of hormones can make the ovaries to produce more eggs which, leads to disruption of the regular process of ovulation and starts the formation of numerous cysts in ovaries and the ovaries become large and studded on ultrasound examination. Primarily happens due to excessive levels of testosterone hormones typically associated with males –that interrupt the normal flow of female hormone. The patient had a past medical history of menstrual irregular 15-20 days of bleeding after 2-3 months, pain +, clots +, regular flow. The patient was not a known case of thyroid, diabetes and hypertension, allergies and surgical procedures undergone.In patients with PCOD who are obese, endocrine-metabolic parameters markedly improve after 4-12 weeks of dietary restriction